Know Why as an education institution you should work with us?
GTE Direct uses the industry's first and the world's leading artificial intelligence-driven Genuine Student Training & Evaluation application weaved in with a suite of professional services to create tremendous value for education institutions.
Reduce student visa refusal rates & grow share of genuine international students.
GTE DIRECT offers the world's 1st 100% online, proctor-based, independent, artificial intelligence-driven Genuine Student (GS) & Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) evaluation as well as a 1-on-1 GTE & SOP counselling which ensures an increase in your share of genuine students and reduces visa refusal rates.
Reduce student visa cancellations & increase international student retention.
GTE DIRECT includes the industry's most comprehensive GS & GTE tutorial as well as the world's first proctor-based certification of understanding of student visa requirements and conditions. This coupled with our "Retention Risk Score" ensures lower student visa cancellations & dropouts rates.
Reduce the time taken for GTE assessments by 70% and save on recruitment costs.
100% online proctor-based GS & GTE assessments which are available 24/7 worldwide, with real-time clarification questions, instant assessment reports, and GTE SOP builder tool. This enables educational institutions to greatly decrease their application turnaround time & save costs.
Helps save costs & time for your agents and become their preferred choice.
GTE DIRECT helps agents by providing applicants detailed tutorials in GS, GTE and visa conditions, conducting extensive GS & GTE assessments and providing 1-on-1 GTE & SOP counselling. Thus, helping agents save fixed costs and freeing them up to focus on marketing efforts.
Increase student satisfaction rates and convert direct leads better.
GTE Direct offers students accurate, first-hand information on student visa requirements and conditions. They can complete their 100% online, objective & transparent GTE assessment faster and get instant results, followed by 1-on-1 GTE & SOP counselling, setting golden standards of student preparation for study overseas.
Set up a Free GTE DEMO, Understand the Why How and What of GTEDIRECT
Reduce student visa refusal rates and grow share of genuine international students.
Reduce the time it takes you to make a good decision to seconds instead of hours or days and save recruitment costs.
Reduce student visa cancellations & increase international student retention.
Save costs & time for your agents and become their preferred choice
Increase student satisfaction rates and improve your conversion rates.
Visa Refusals (Non-Fraud): Artificial Intelligence-based 95 point GTE Evaluation
Visa Refusals (Fraud): GS-GTE Tutorial, Proctor-based assessments, Independent Doc Verification
Visa Cancellations: Industry's first GS - GTE Tutorial & proctor-based certification
Protection Visa filing: Detailed custom declarations, score based GTE Evaluation
Turning Unlawful Citizens: Retention risk assessment & Character assessment
GTETUTORIAL Industry's first GTE Tutorial, and Certification Test of understanding of student visa requirements & conditions.
GTEASSESSMENT the world's first 100% online, 45 minutes, Proctor-based AI based GTE Assessment, with instant score based GTE Evaluation Report, with Free SOP builder and Counselling Report for students.
GTEDOCUMENTS collection of supporting documents and independent validation & verification based on the applicants risk
These are bundled together in two COMBO PACKS