Sponsor your agents to be GTE-certified and boost the number of loyal advocates working for your success. This 100% online self paced, proctor based GTE Agents Training & Certification would offer your agents unique value & help conversion rates.
GTEAGENTS TRAINING includes the industry's first and most comprehensive 100% online Genuine Student (GS) & Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Tutorial as well as the world's first Proctor-based certification of understanding of GS, GTE & student visa conditions.
GTETUTORIAL helps agents by providing detailed tutorials in GS, GTE and visa conditions, conducting extensive GS & GTE assessments to prepare them to offer their students first hand information on GS, GTE & Visa Conditions, This enables students to have realistic expectations and increase their chances of having a positive experience during their studies in Australia, setting golden standards of student advocacy, while helping in producing higher quality course and visa applications.
Offer unique value: It is rare to find formal training about GTE and so your agents will value this sponsored training & certification, which includes the Industry's first and most comprehensive GS-GTE Tutorial.
Great way to engage: Don't let travel restrictions result in a distancing in your relationship with your agents. Build your relationship through the provision of this training. In just A$2500 engage with and sponsor GTE Training for 100 agents.
Create loyal advocates: By investing in the professional development of your agent staff during these uncertain times, participants will know that you care for their well-being.
Increase conversion rates: The GTE training will result in the agents sending you better quality applications and better quality applicants, thereby improving outcomes
Once you subscribe to GTEAGENTS TRAINING the following steps would follow:
White labeled: We would within 24 hours create a microsite with your branding https://youruni.gtedirect.com, wherein your agents can sign up and schedule their GTE training and certification.
100% Online & Self Paced: Post sign up each participant would get access to an online GS- GTE Tutorial, which they can complete at their convenience.
Proctor based: At the scheduled date and time participants login into your GTE Portal and would be greeted by their proctor / instructor and would proceed to complete their certification sponsored by you.
Independent Certification: Post completion, they would be able to instantly download and print their certification and attend a Q&A with the Instructor.